
Welcome to “Don’t Mourn, Harmonize,” a blog dedicated to examining and promoting the music of the labor movement. For hundreds of years, workers have written songs about their working conditions, struggles for justice, and union victories and losses. Many of these songs have become famous, while others have faded into obscurity. One thing is certain, though: as long as workers struggle for their rights, they will create songs–on the picket lines, in the office, and in the fields. With this site, I hope to examine a powerful tradition that continues to this day.

3 responses to “Welcome!

  1. This looks great. I look forward to your writing!

    In solidarity,

  2. Jonathan Mason

    This is a wonderful idea! I’m an amateur student of this sort of thing from the UK, and I’m shortly to start a postgraduate course in History. I’m fantastically keen to know more about all this, and will definitely visiting again! Should I have anything to contribute, as well, I’d love too.

    • Thanks Jonathon! Please do let me know if you have anything to contribute to the blog. I’d love to know more about labor music and history in the UK. By the way, are you familiar with the musician Graham Moore? He writes great historical songs, and a lot of them are about the early labor movement in England. He’s involved in the Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival. Check out his website at: http://www.bymoore.co.uk/

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